Winner Winner!

We could not be prouder or happier to announce, not one, but TWO of our main gins gaining recognition at the recent Gin Guide Awards 2022.

The Gin Guide Awards is the annual and global celebration of the exceptional spirits, distilleries and distillers within our industry. Their expert judges have experience across gin production, marketing, events and mixology, distribution and importing. Their decisions are based on blind tastings, with only those that achieve the highest scores across all geographical areas receiving a “Winner” award.

We are simply blown away that both Selkirk Gin and Tilda’s Tipple both received the highest recognition of “Winner” within their category. We always knew we were on a winner with Selkirk Gin, but to have received an award for Tilda’s Tipple is especially touching. Tilda’s Tipple has a special place in our hearts due to the input and collaboration involved in its production with Tilda and her/our family.

So here’s a big CHEERS to us! and may there be many more award winning gins to follow!!

The Gin Guide Awards Winners 2022

Allan Walker